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Steve’s Story


“God wanted me to be here.”

Steve grew up in a home where his family “didn’t really go to church a lot.” His Mom was God-fearing, and his father became that way later in life, but Steve didn’t really start growing in his faith until he learned to lean on the Lord.

Drinking and drugs got him “in a bad way,” eventually leading to a separation from his wife and arrest. “That changed my life forever,” he says. “I might not be alive today if that hadn’t happened. I realize that God was looking out for me, even when I didn’t think He was.”

A long-term treatment center put Steve back on the right track, and it was there that he learned about the Lexington Rescue Mission and applied for a place at The Potter’s House. “I didn’t have a job. I didn’t have a place to go. I didn’t have footing.”

“It was the best decision I made in my life.”

“The guys here have helped me in my walk with Christ. They knew when I came in that I wanted to change my life, and they have helped me every day.”

Along with other men from the Mission, Steve works in the mill part of Old World Timber. “The owner has gone out of his way to help me and a lot of the other guys from the Mission.”

When he’s ready to live on his own again, Steve wants to continue to stay in touch with the Mission and serve others here. “It’s just like the book of Peter,” he says. “’Be ready always to give an answer to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you.’ I want to tell people about Jesus, that’s it. That’s what I want to do with my life, and whatever God has besides that, it’s okay.”

Thank you for helping Steve rebuild his life through your prayers and support!