Meeting basic needs and assisting in connecting people who are street homeless with ongoing case management and services.
Community connections are built and wraparound services are provided to community members experiencing homelessness on the streets, by meeting with them where they are and walking with them to encourage hope and decisions toward life change.
The Street Outreach team goes into homeless outdoor communities to meet people's physical, spiritual, emotional mental health, and behavioral health needs. Wounds are bandaged, spiritual needs are tended to, referrals and assistance to treatment programs are provided, and case management is offered to help achieve successful transition to housing.
Last Year...
people living on the streets connected to treatment programsBobby's Story
“The old has passed away, the new has come!”
Drug use and abuse. They were both part of Bobby’s life growing up. Even though he managed to graduate high school and put himself through college, drugs seemed to play a part wherever he went.Thanks to your support, a better life was in store.
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Tour the new Community Center and hear our vision for serving more hurting people in Lexington.
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