Connie’s Story

“I wanted to start over fresh”
After growing up in an abusive home, being the victim of domestic violence herself, and losing custody of her children, Connie discovered our women’s transitional home, Grace Place.
From there, finding her own home and being reunited with her children was the next important step.
“I’m not going to lie,” Connie says of her decision to come into Grace Place, our transitional home for women. “I was terrified, but I felt like God was telling me this was what I was supposed to do.”
When Connie was growing up, her mom was in an abusive relationship. When her sisters followed their mother’s path, Connie swore she would never let that happen in her life. “I was like, ‘What is wrong with y’all? Why would you let a man do that to you?’ But you don’t realize that it’s happening until you’re lost in it.”
A mother for the first time at 15, Connie had been separated from her three youngest children for six years. What she wanted most was to be reunited with them!
“Grace Place has blessed me…”
Connie credits the staff at Grace Place for encouraging her to take the time to heal from all that she had been through. “I know today that I’m worthy of being treated with respect; I’m worthy of love. I am not my past mistakes, but I’m a child ofGod.”
“There’s physical healing here. There’s mental and emotional healing. And there’s spiritual healing. And for me, the most important is the spiritual healing. Because once you start chasing that spiritual healing, and chasing that closer relationship, everything else starts working itself out in really surprising ways.”
“Being here, you’re surrounded by people who have such strong faith in God that the energy of it is contagious. You want to develop a closer relationship with Him.” Following God’s plan and purpose for her life, Connie got her GED then started college courses that will enable her to help others find God’s plan.
Connie was the very first woman to graduate from Grace Place! Since then, she has been reunited with her children and has moved to the town where they live. She is living on her own and just had her second interview for the dream job she’s hoping to get.