Bennett’s Story

“God works through the women here every single day.”
Abused as a very young child by a family friend, Bennett never told her parents because her abuser threatened to harm them. This trauma created a huge “hole” in her life which she first filled with achievement in school, and then, as an adult, with drugs.
When Bennett was only eight years old, a family friend began sexually abusing her.
“I kept it to myself because I was warned not to tell, or my parents would die. So, I didn’t tell anybody.”
“It created this hole in me that I tried filling with achievement
at school,” she says. “But when I had to quit college to take care
of family, those accolades weren’t there anymore, and drugs were the easiest thing to fall into.”
Bennett’s 15-year addiction eventually led her to a recovery program in Versailles. Once she graduated from it, she began looking for “a place to rest while I got stuff sorted out and got myself together.” With her mother and father both deceased, Grace Place was the perfect haven.
“I’ve really found a family here,” she says. “The sisters I have here are amazing. I feel like I’m part of a family again.”
“God works through the women here every single day.”
“I’m in this environment where people pray for me, and they nurture me,” Bennett says. “It really is a family here. I feel like I’m not alone in this world anymore.”
Bennett made great strides after coming to Grace Place.
She reunited with her daughter. She received support through Celebrate Recovery, AA and her church. She also helped others through her work in the kitchen at the recovery program from which she had graduated. “I do more than just cook for them…I pray with a lot of the girls.”
She now lives in Louisville. Her goal is to get her certificate as a support specialist and work in recovery. “Recovery is what gave me my life back,” she says, “and I want to give back to others.”
Thank you so much for making a difference in Bennett’s life through your prayers and support!